Thursday, November 3

Brooklyn Flea - Part Deux

As promised, the second round of our afternoon at Brooklyn Flea.  There were so many amazing jewelry finds, we went a little overboard.  

Check out that snake choker in the back.  I'd pair it with my crisp button down and slacks for work.  What's the point of dressing for the day if not to throw a little curve ball?  Peaking out of my collar?  Why yes, I think I will.

$5 vintage rings.  How much better do they make my coffee cup look?  Mixing and matching unexpected combinations is half the fun.

Now, I own one of these.

BUT a great alternative are these.  Each one is different, each one is a fraction of the Tiffany's version and each one can be paired with whichever length chain you desire.  Plus, how fab is it to say you scored a vintage key at the Brooklyn Flea market?

And, of course you need somewhere to store all of this new jewelry.  These hand painted boxes were $6 each or 5 for $20.  I love the idea of purchasing a handful and storing all your odds and ends in them.  So adorbs.

XO Lyn&Colette

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