Thursday, June 20

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.

As one comes to learn the ins and outs of living in a new place, I have noticed and decided to offer some unsolicited fashion advice to those North Carolinians.  Since I just can't really help myself...

These are appropriate on the beach, walking to the beach or walking from the beach.    I don't care if they're leather, jelly or they light up like a Christmas Tree they are not dinner-ware appropriate.  Even at your local BBQ joint.  Unless they're these (even I have exceptions).

Have you graduated from high-school?  Yes?  Throw away, burn or give to your nephew.  Cargo shorts are not slimming, appealing nor in any way fashionable.  These are not going to attract any respectable female, you have been warned.

Mens well-fitted, straight-cut pants are the only article you should even consider owning in khaki.  These are the boyfriends as I myself am allergic to the color.

Baseball caps are for baseball games and days spent outside playing kickball.  Bad hair days mean a trip to Dry Bar or additional styling mousse.  Unless they come in leather.

I am all for expressing yourself sartorially and I love nothing more than digesting and appreciating a good fashion moment.  So, try putting away the flip flops and put in a little effort to that ensemble.  I promise you that extra skip in your step won't just be because you're in more supportive shoes. 

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